This spoken poem (Spruchgedicht) of the barber-surgeon and poet Hans Folz from Nuremberg is known to have been printed in four editions (Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC) nr. if00239400, if00239410, if00239420 (presented here), if00239430). It is strongly connected to a later handwritten "Meistersang" and a very similar poem by the well-known shoemaker and poet Hans Sachs from Nuremberg (available in this collection). These poems seem to have been intended for oral presentations, especially during the time of carnival. The first verses underscore the fact that it is intended as advice to those who are willing to marry. The speaker enumerates what is needed to run a household and to raise children, including maids and servants and the rent for the house. He warns of the risk of indebtedness and poverty if the assets of husband and wife would be not sufficient. Folz links this topic with an anti-Semitic incitement when he connects poverty to the topos of the alleged usurious Jewish moneylenders. Bibliography: Folz, Hans: Von Allem Haußrot, [Leipzig]: [Kachelofen], 1495 (ISTC if00239420).

  • Record type: Object List-Fictional
  • Date: 1495
  • Locale: Nürnberg, Bavaria, Germany
  • Language(s): German
  • Archival location: Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg, Scrin 229d
  • Extent: 15 Folios (paper, register - quarto)

Edited by Marco Tomaszewski.
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