This detailed inventory of Mathieu Roux's apothecary in the city of Marseille reveals an ontology whereby medicaments were organized according to the types of ailments they were capable of treating. The inventory also documents preservation techniques and discusses jars and basins used to maintain the potency of these ingredients.

  • Record type: Pharmacopeia-Functional
  • Date: 24 October, 1488
  • Locale: Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône, France
  • Language(s): Old Provençal
  • Archival location: Archive départementales des Bouches-du-Rhône, Register 351 E 452
  • Extent: 19 Folios (paper, register - demi-quarto)

Edited by Jean-Pierre Bénézet, with corrections by Ryan Low, and contributions by Cole Wassiliew, Charlotte Nickerson, and Garrin Brandl.
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