On February 6, 1506, a comprehensive inventory was undertaken of Steve Villa's apothecary shop in Aix-en-Provence, France. The contents of the shop include metal mortars, basins, pestles, distillation gear, and a variety of pills, powders, and stones used in medical concoctions. The manuscript has been damaged between when Jean-Pierre Bénézet transcribed it and when the images found here were taken. As such, some parts of the transcription are not visible in the images presented here.

  • Record type: Pharmacopeia-Functional
  • Date: 6 February, 1506
  • Locale: Aix-en-Provence, Bouches-du-Rhône, France
  • Language(s): Old Provençal
  • Archival location: Archives départementales des Bouches-du-Rhône, Register 308 E 900
  • Extent: 16 Folios (paper, register - demi-quarto)

Edited by Jean-Pierre Bénézet, with contributions by Ryan Low, Charlotte Nickerson, and Garrin Brandl.
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