Items from the shop:

4 balle di corde legate, 4 balle di peli di cavretti, 4 pazze di canovaccio nuovo, 16 pezze di canovacci, 68 dozzine di pettorali, 6 dozzine di cinghie dei muletti, 6 dozzine di cinghie damuli grandi, 5 dozzine di soperacinghi, 1 1/2 balla di corda da troctola, 1 balla di canovacci, 1 stadera grossa, 34 Beste di funi di piu ragi, 1 scaletta di legno, ii paia di forsici

Items from the home:

1 mantellino miscio da cavalcare, 1 paio di guanti di ferro, 1 spada, 1 paio di sproni

The inventory of Miglore Funaiuolo (or “rope-maker”) includes a list from two different locales owned by the decedent; the first documents all the items found in his home, and the second the objects collected in his shop. The items in the shop confirm what his name suggests, that he was indeed a maker or seller of ropes. Here we find the supplies and tools of his trade: bales of rope and horse hair, straps and scissors, cording and canvas, two scales for weighing his wares—one small, made of wood, the other identified only as “large”—and dozens of riggings, halters, and belts, some meant for animals, and others for unspecified uses. But a closer look at the list reveals that Miglore was not only a rope merchant; he also seems to have been a military man. Of particular interest are a list of items on folio 377r, including a small, multicolored jacket for horseback riding, a pair of iron gauntlets, a sword, and a pair of spurs. This collection of military items, all found in one room of the house, indicates that he was involved in combat on horseback. As such, he likely belonged to a growing body of martial men who were not members of the Florentine elite, but rather the sons of merchants involved in skilled trades who used their family’s comparatively modest wealth to fund their participation in military affairs. Indeed, he may well have passed along his martial practices and equipment along with the financial wealth won in his thriving business.