The DALME collection abounds in unusually interesting objects and inventories. This page serves as a point of entry to short features, posted every two months, that highlight some of the things to be discovered.
The Object of the Month offers readers sharp insights into a tiny sample of the thousands of objects available in the collections. Essays highlight curious and unusual as well as quotidian objects. The Inventory of the month showcases records that are particularly unusual for reason of the owner's life history or the array of objects listed. Lastly, the Essays are longer analyses published on a less regular basis; these highlight connections between objects or across the collection.
These features, produced by members of the DALME team, offer readers the intimate experience of reading inventories and showcase the potential of material culture to elucidate often hidden aspects of past lives. A number of the essays feature the findings and research interests of our doctoral students.
Laura K. Morreale
Xu Li
Laura K. Morreale
Daniel Lord Smail
Emma Tomlins
Daniel Lord Smail
Claire Allen
Daniel Lord Smail
Laura Morreale
Yi Ran Angela Zhang
Daniel Lord Smail
Daniel Lord Smail And Mackenzie Cooley
Daniel Lord Smail
Daniel Lord Smail, With Antonio Belenguer González
Daniel Lord Smail
Laura K. Morreale
Ryan Low
Daniel Lord Smail
Laura K. Morreale
Daniel Lord Smail
Two curfews
Next, I found ... goodness-knows-what
Seven ostrich eggshells in the mezzanine
A partition made from old doors
An inventory in an inventory
Two silver spoons lacking maker's marks
The slave Anna
A fur corset as daily wear